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Shrunken Episode 5 Final Erick The Fart Slave Gacha Fart
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Facial expression overwhelmed by an unexpected passing of gas to her underling.
The appearance on their face was absolute disbelief when they suddenly encountered a strong fart. They were unaware that this hushed gas would turn them into a slave of the unseen force. The air release held a peculiar power that captivated his very being.
Their face contorted in
repulsion as the foul odor of the flatulence filled the air. They groaned in anguish as they realized they had become enslaved by this obnoxious fart. Each gas release was a painful reminder of their bondage. Their visage now bore the mark of a fart slave.
A look of horror washed over their face as they became an involuntary recipient of a forceful explosion of air. The subjugation caused by this flatulence was unexpected and disturbing. Their face showed clear indications of their enslavement to the invisible entity within the fart. The wind turned them into a captive of its putrid hold.
countenance exhibited a mix of revulsion and wonder as they submitted to the dominance of the gas. They tried to conceal their embarrassment, but their enslavement was written all over their face. The gas had changed them into a servant of the invisible force, rendering them powerless and obedient. As a gas servant, their face exposed the unusual and unwanted connection they had established with such a shameful act.
Their surprised face reflected the spellbinding control of the flatulence that ensnared them. They were unable to hide their puzzlement as the wind exerted its authority over them. The flatulence transformed them into a obedient subject with a countenance that exhibited their submission. Their visage betrayed the unwanted enslavement they had yielded into, becoming a thrall to the fart.
Their countenance changed from amazement to fear as the gas imposed its control over them. They were taken aback by the surprising captivation caused by the gas release. Their visage demonstrated both their unease and their hesitant surrender as they were transformed into a captive to the powerful fart. The flatulence caused an indelible mark on their countenance, forever branding them as a gas servant.
Their initial expression of revulsion swiftly became absolute amazement as they discovered they had become a servant to the potent fart. A mix of embarrassment and awe crossed their face, disclosing the subjugation they now experienced. Their face betrayed the unexpected connection they formed with the gas, turning them into a slave of its unseen power. Every fart served as a constant reminder of their enslavement, imprinted on their countenance like a permanent scar.
Their look shifted from annoyance to astonishment as they came to understand they were now a servant to the potent gas. A mixture of embarrassment and fascination manifested on their face, exposing the unwanted connection they had formed with the gas. Their countenance exhibited their vulnerability as the gas expulsion had enslaved them beyond their control. Each gas release served as a painful reminder of their enslavement, leaving an indelible imprint on their visage.

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